Coming to School Tardy 

As-salaam Alaikum Parents,

It is very that your important that your child/ren be in the classroom for the entire period, as well as arriving on time to the Islamic School every Saturday and Sunday so that s/he do not miss any of the subjects being taught.

I believe that instructional time is viewed as a precious resource. Consequently we view chronic tardiness and absences as a serious problem to the growth of students in their Islamic academics. Thus, students should be inside their classroom by 10:15 a.m.

If a student comes into my class after 10:20 a.m. they must sign-in.

What to Aspect for unexcused Tardies

1st tardy – Warning

2nd tardy – Automatic Mobile/Email sent to remind parent/guardian of Islamic School policy.

3rd tardy – Letter sent home to parent to be signed and returned.

4th tardy – After-School-Detention – teacher will keep student in class until parent or guardian pick student up from their class.  If, for any reason, you cannot pick up your child from detention, please call the teacher, to make a later appointment.  (Parents should keep teachers numbers saved in cases of emergencies)

5th tardy – Tardies reported to the Principal.

Please refer to the Student Hand Booklet for rules and regulations


umm Abdel-Aleem/ Khala Tyseer

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