May 8, 2012
As-salaam Alaikum,
As you may already know, the website has been having some problems which has been resolved Al-hamdulillah. Most of the problems was due to my lack of experience, please forgive me. Insha-Allah I will be making daily post to update the website.
Summer Plans:
Some parents and students have asked me about summer activities which i'm not sure of right now however, I will talk with a few teachers and see how they feel about it.
If the teachers can't participate in summer activities, I will have a course over the summer break at our website. I'll give more details the last week of school Insha-Allah.
Remember that you can always log onto the website for the latest updates during the summer break.
Take care and thank you so much for your patience and understanding. It honestly feels like everytime I get this website running something happens but Al-hamdulillah for bringing my support back and hopefully, the problems we had with the website is a thing of the past.
With sincerity,
Your sister in Islam
Khala / Sister Tyseer
Posted by Khala Tyseer.